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True Humility vs. Self-esteem.

872 582 Carly Reeder

This question has come up a lot while trying to endeavor on a spiritual path— “How do I feel humble, yet maintain my self-esteem?”  This understanding is especially pertinent in a day and age where “self-love” is so widely taught, yet there seems to be more and more people who feel so “entitled”! And at the same time, there are many people who try to take advantage of one another. How do we apply real humility and a healthy sense of self-esteem to our daily lives?

 The most simple answer is: We have value (self-esteem) because we are spirit souls part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, but our natural position (humility) is to be servant of the Supreme.

 First, we must look at the word “self” in “self-esteem”. Most people identify the “self” as his or her “material body”, rather than the “eternal soul” inside the body. When we identify the self as these material bodies and minds,  we can get too hung up on the material body, and thoughts and emotions that go along with it. Having true self-esteem is knowing the true value of you, the soul. This is not to say we don’t take care of our body, let others walk all over us, or can’t communicate our feelings.

 However, people can take “self-esteem” to a whole new level, because they are identifying the “self” as the “body”. People become overly sensitive and easily “offended” because they are identifying too much with his or her mind and body. When we identify as the soul, we can have that deep sense of value, but it is in the right perspective. We don’t act as if we are the Supreme Soul and deserve all the respect in the world. We know our true position is that as a servant. We understand that we need to maintain the body and mind, for the soul purpose of being able to offer service to God.

 Real humility is knowing that as spirit soul, your position is “ loving servant to the Supreme Being.” There is a misconception that humility means to walk around all meek, and tip toe around people. A good example in the Bible of how surrendered souls to God do not always act meek, is when Jesus gets angry and turns over the tables of the merchants. Some people may see this behavior as “not spiritual”, but it is really Jesus doing his “service” for his Father and teaching the merchants a lesson. Sometimes a strong behavior is necessary to get a point across. Jesus remains humble carrying out his Father’s wishes, because he knows he is a servant of God and his actions are that of service. Humility is true surrender to the Supreme and knowing “ I am loving servant.” Service can actually give us a great sense of spiritual strength.

 The more we become “God Conscious” and not “Body Conscious”, these concepts will fall naturally into place. Everything becomes more harmonious when we work together and respect one another as spirit souls, loving servants of the Supreme Lord.


Carly Reeder

All stories by: Carly Reeder